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May 24, 2009


date : 23th may 2009, sat
venue : cineleisure

I'm gonna make this entry short and simple. I've watched Angels and Demons last Saturday and it was very intense and it was brilliant if it were to compare to Da Vinci Code...but I have 2 Qs:
1. Why are the bad guys so handsome, so damn good looking and so sweet?
2. Why this handsome-good looking-sweet bad guy have to die in the end?

tak puas ati betul....

May 17, 2009


After I got my SPM results, every teachers in my school i.e SMKUT was talking about how in the world I got 6C for my BM and A1 for my English. The best 'sindiran' i ever got is that I spoke English at home. Yeah..*the hell!*...But what I can guarantee them is that I read Dictionary instead of books. And that's make them shrieked...saying "ye ke?", "tak caye la" and so on. I'm not saying that by reading Dictionary u are damn good in English but at least I've tried. It's not that I used all the bombastic words ever existed in the Dict but I'm aware of the correct spelling and what's the correct usage of it. I admit that I do sucks in writing and it shows...with my imperfect tenses. But knowing my weakness I take the initiative to mend it and people take me for bragging in front of them.

Yesterday 17th May 2009, my friend brought her other friend from UM to my house. I'm not good in entertaining visitors and my friend understood it. It's Sunday and it's my house, my Havana. It's up to me what time to wake up, whether to take a shower or not...it's really up to me. Plus I don't have BO so, the Hell la kan? This girl, out of no where asking me, " Nor memang bangun lambat ke?"...damn it....sibuk je...dah la menumpang, banyak tnye plak!! My answer was very subtle but I really want to make a statement, " A'ah..." I was pissed off and my friend was looking at me with a gesture saying I'm sorry....yeah, I forgive u for bringing her in but she's not to be forgiven.

The second instance happens after my beauty shower. I was watching TV and at that time it was an add on Terminator 3:Salvation so I straight away took my Mr. Dict and look for the meaning of the word salvation as I'm not really sure of the meaning. I had this habit of looking through the words and maybe play with it. So, I looked at the back portion of it, and I saw a long list of 'Foreign Phrases' and I was very exited because I never realize it. While 'playing' with it, the same girl asked me...
"selalu ke Nor pakai Dictionary? Bukan nor budak English ke? "

WOW!!! that was really heart tightening....from that moment I hate her!!!! So I simply answered her...
" Memang la student English, tp I'm not a walking Dictionary so kadang-kadang ade la words yang Nor tak tau. By the way, there is no harm checking dictionary every now and then kan? "
Haha....serves u right! But, her next respond makes me wonder....
" Walking Dictionary tu ape? "

p/s: Umur die dah 24 jugak...should I be mad at her?

May 10, 2009

just a Q

berpoya-poya ke berfoya-foya?

I'm confused...

the best Wesak Day holiday ever....

Date : 9th May 2009
Time : Don't quite remember...we're quite late
Venue: The Mines....yeah!!!

1st of all, thanks to Mira, Elle, and Adeq coz willingly spend ur whole day with me...It's quite rare for me to have a date on Saturday as I'm working on Sat. But it will be better if Baby, Ina and Suli are also able to be there with us :(

It was nice having to meet up with ur BFF, updating everything even though u dun have enough time to spare for each other's side of stories. But I am DAMN happy...To actually listens to Mira and Elle fought with each other, Adeq with her 'ongoing' stories...hehe, u know what I'm talking about. It was a blast!! On the other hand we went for window shopping which I hate a lot..;p and I got my birthday present from Adeq. It was indeed the best date I have ever had...

In case u gurls read this, I wanted to say that I LOVE U gurls and I miss every moments that we've shared for the past 6 years....feels like crying because I can't meet up with the other gurls...oh God, how I miss all of u...