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our first baby...

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May 26, 2008


mr sivaji

pls dun be suprised on my today's topic but i just wanna share my thoughts........

in my opinion, if there were a lot of people like mr.sivaji and mr.robin hood in this world...wouldnt it sounds good? because all of the corruptions that has been committed by all those 'big' and powerful people and small fish like me has been trapped in the net..im suffocated and im really irritated when i heard all those stories abaout bribery, money laundering and all those corruption..what's to become of our future generation especially our children?they're so innocent to be involved in this disgraceful things.....

that's all...

May 19, 2008

the very best of friend

i've never imagined that sumday in my life i could met someone who are so beautiful as INA, SULI, ELLE, MIRA, BABY and ADEQ. and the moments with them are the most beautiful moments i've ever experienced..thank you for all of u gurls who had been a real great support for me all this while.it has been FIVE tremendeous years since we've became good friends or should i say SISTERS...and it always have been exciting for me...

to all my darlings..

i 'll not forget the way u comforted me whenever i felt sad..

i appreciate that u gurls never hesitated to share wif me all of ur happiest moments..

i thank u for lending me ur shoulders for me to cry on or even just to catch my breath..

i felt very happy when u gurls invited me to be a part of ur big family..

i'm saying all this bcoz i felt that the time is running out..after this all of us are going out to the real world and i'm afraid that we are not able to spend more time together after this..in a way i dun really feel like graduating bcoz eventually we are not able to luncheon and dine together..to talk out loud and laughed like no other peole around us..to be around u gurls.but this is not the end of US and i'll make sure it wil not be one!

i love u gurls from the bottom of my heart..i hope that OUR FRIENDSHIP will last till the last breath of mine..I LOVE U SO MUCH!!!

May 14, 2008


maafkan saye krn menggunakan bhs ibunda saye untuk blog kali ini..tapi saye ade sbb tersendiri nape prlu saye menggunakannya...(hbt kan wlupn dpt 6c untk bm..huhu). sbnrnye posting kali in di dedikasikan untk adik saye yg tercinta..BABY or SHIDA. lalu saye pn terpanggil untuk berkongsi kisah ini ngan anda sume..(sape2 yg sudi membaca blog saye..). begini lah kisahnye..

akan pada suatu masa dahulu terdapat dua spesies burung yg terkenal seantero dunia di sebabkan ke akraban mereka..seekor bernama SI GAGAK dan seekor lagi bernama SI MERAK. arakian keakraban mereka ini tersangat la istimewa krn mereka berdua saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain..akan tetapi terdapat satu penyakit yg melanda tempat yg mereka diami yg telah menyebabkan bulu pelepah mereka bertukar menjadi kaler putih..
suatu hari SI GAGAK ternampak sahabatnye SI MERAK menangis si tepi sungai.lalu die pn bertanye..
"wahai sahabatku merak..nape ko nangis2 ni?tak malu ke..nnt binatang lain nmpk tak psl2 ko kne lempang..ko nak ke?sakit wo kene lempang.."
mendengarkan sore sahabatnye SI MERAK terus tersenyum sambil berkate..
"aku tak kisah pn kene lempang sbb nnt aku ade la alasan nak pkl diorg blk..aku ngah tensen ni beb!" SI MERAK berkate ngan wajah yg serius..dan SI GAGAK yg berlagak macho itu pn bertanya kembali ngan lagak yg hampir2 same machonye..
"amendenye yg ko tensen ni? org lain pn tensen gak tapi takde la sampai nangis tepi sungai..at least diorg pg dgr lagu SUJU or DBSK yg bertajuk 'HAPPINESS' dan 'O'. best ape..." SI GAGAK berkate sambil menunjukkan ipod milik beliau.
"ko jgn gak..aku tempeleng pale ko nnt..sie2 je ko idup lame tau..aku tensen la sbb aku dah bsn tgk kaler bdn sume haiwn kat tmpt tggl kite ni..PUTIH je..boring la..sakit mate aku tgk tau.."
lalu SI GAGAK pn menganggukkn kepale nye tande setuju..
"aku setuju rak..aku pn kdg2 bsn gak tp takde hal sgt sbb aku ade ipod ni..ia membantu aku dalam menghadapi waktu2 yg sukar ni..mgkn ko ptt bli satu..ko blh ltk video,lgu seberapa bnyk ko nak..nk mskkan movie pn takpe.."
akan tetapi disebabkan terlalu tertekan SIMERAK telah memukul SI GAGAK ngan dasatnye..maaf lah saye tak dapat nak citekan camne si gagak tu kene blasah..violent sgt..
"ok2..tbe2 aku dah phm psl masalah ko ni..ala, ko jgn la risau..sebenarnye aku ade rahsia nak bgtau ko ni..tp aku tak blh nak stat lg ngan rancangan aku ni sbb aku ngah cr rakan kongsi..klu ko nak aku blh ajak ko join..tp keuntungan kongsi 70-30 la..on tak?"
SI GAGAK yg ketika itu masih dalm kesakitan menceritakan rancangan die kat SI MERAK. so saye pendekkan cite la..malas nak type pnjg2..sebenarnye SI GAGAK ni dah jd dealer kaler LUNA (ala2 salesman la ni) n then die kene la buat promosi b4 die jual kaler tu...SI GAGAK ni plak time skolah dlu pnah menang pertandingan mewarna..so sng la nak buat promosi tp takde model lg. SI MERAK plak gile glamer sket n then die trs je setuju jd model untk si SI GAGAK ni.
"gak..ko kaler aku bg comel sket tau..fames la aku pasni..yg pntg kaler pink WAJIB bnyk!!"
lalu SI GAGAK pn mula la kalerkan bulu pelepah SI MERAK tu..
5jam kemudian...
"rak..bgn la beb..aku dah abis kalerkan bulu ko ni..penat siot..bnyk tol bulu ko ni."
SI MERAK bangun dan setelah melihat bdn die yg cantik tu die melompat2 tande gembire..sian..zaman kanak2 die krg menggembirakan..
"FUIYO!!cantik siot!!mmg tak salah la ko ni juare mewarne kat skola kite dlu..handal la ko ni!"
SI GAGAK yg ketika itu kembang kempis hidungnye tibe2 terase nak jgk bulu pelepah kaler cam SI MERAK..lalu die pn bertanye ngan SI MERAK
"rak2..blh tak ko kalerkan aku gak? aku pn nak cntk gak cam ko.."
SI MERAK yg telah menganggap SI GAGAK bgikan sedare sendiri wlubagaimanepn telah lupe diri setelah melihat dirinye cantik..beliau bersetuju akan tetapi die mempunyai rancangan nye yg tersendiri..
"ok..bleh je..ko kan kwn aku.."
SI MERAK merasakn yg SI GAGAK tak ptt di warnakan ngan kaler yg lbh best dr kaler blu die sendiri..ketika itu la die ternampak satu tin kaler HITAM dan tanpa hati perut nye SI MERAK telah menuangkan sume kandungan kaler itam tu kpd SI GAGAK..
"HOI!!!ape ko buat ni woi!!" SI GAGAK menjerit bagai org gile..
"ala..rilek la geng.ko srh aku kalerkan ko..itam pn kaler ape..sesuai ngan ko..nmpk krs sket.."
"kurus amende!!dah la..taknak la aku geng ngan ko lg..dasar ati bsk!!nyesal aku kwn ngan ko.."
begitu lah citenye.akhirnye SI GAGAK membawa diri. kebanyakkan spesies GAGAK blh dijumpai di UIA dan MERAK plak klu nak tgk g la ZOO ye..sian btl diorg ni kan??
sekian..terima kasih..maaf la saye tak pndi sgt bercite..dlu time skola pn dapt nombor tercorot time pertandingan.harap anda sume happy!!!
sape2 ade versi lain jgn malu untk berkongsi ye..

May 11, 2008

'forced entry'

it's been so long since i posted anything aight??so..be ready..hehe
nothing interesting actually but i've a got something to confess...i dunno what to write even in my own blog..im too lazy la..(adeq will surely kill me!!)
mm..i think i want to start with my health story..
recently (14th april 2008), i went to HUKL to do a check up and unfortunately i had been diagnosed with a diabetes and hypertension.so the doc tell me to fast for 2days b4 i do another checkup. on 21st april 2008 i went to HUKL again to take a blood test and unfortunately (again), my blood was too thick and that the doc couldn't take my blood to do sampling..so i have to take an IV pack and stayed there in the ward (remind u..it's the 3rd class ward!!). and the third misfortune that i had for the day is that i had a very high fever..43.5'c..the most unbearable day of my life..in the end i had to stay in the ward until 23rd april 2008.
the funny part is that i didnt't went to the checkup for the fever but for my diabetes!!in the end it was confirmed that i had both diabetes and hypertension..but for an early phase..sian..
so for now i had been very careful regarding my food taking and also drinks.it's been such a long time since i drank any colourful and sweet driks..oh!!how i missed those days..so u guys out there..BE EXTRA CAREFUL ON YOUR DIET.IT MIGHT EFFECTS U THE SAME WAY IT DID TO ME..MUAHAHAHA!!!
ok lah..i'll write some more the next time k..