Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

our first baby...

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sep 20, 2012

21 september 2012

On this very date, Amani is now 5 months. She has grown so big that actually I did not realize it. Its either I didn't realize or it was just a denial for me.Hihi...I really love Amani to stay like this. Cute, small n no drama. But then, every body has to grow up rite? Hence, im waiting patiently for it!! yeah...At 5 months Amani is 6 kg. and I'm so thankful and grateful that Amani is easy one to manage. She will only cry if she gets her milk a little bit late or when she sees that nobody wants to cradle her. Mmm...Very adorable.

So, here's some sneak peak of what amani looks like when she is 5 months. Enjoice!!

she loves reading book..i mean, her mother reading the book for her...:

she knows when someone wants to *snap* her picture

my princess is sound asleep due to tireness...

Sep 9, 2012

ape ek meniarap in English?

amani dah pandai meniarap 
at 4 months 17 days!!
tahniah anakku...

present yourself

arini topik kene ckp bahase melayu...senang nak dicapai learning outcomenye..*apakah??* n topik ni ditujukan abgai peringatan kepada saye.

sy akui sy mmg suke bermekap, dr zaman uni dlu mmg sy ade la make up sket2 tp takde la tebal sgt. setakat nak buat pakwe kwn2 dlu impressed je. arini sy nak ckp pasal pandangan org ramai tentang manusia yg bergelar perempuan yg gemar bermake up.

sy pernah terdengar kat HOT FM yg mengatakan perempuan ni kalau make up mesti akan jejak to ONE hour. what? one hour?!!

certain perempuan je ok! sy rase the only time yg sy make up paling lame would be during my solemnization and wedding day je. dlm 1 jam lebih. lepaih tu nan ado nak make up lame2 tau.

pada sy make up tu penting. sebagai seorg guru, client sy ialah pelajar or manusia. maka, i need to make myself presentable to them. ye la diorg mereka nak tgk sy dlm lingkunagn masa 40 - 80 minutes. jadi, sebagai manusia kalau awak nak kene hadap the presenter dlm masa berikut, kalau la muke presenter tu mcm pucat lesi, mau kah anda belajar ngan mereka???

jawapan sy, tak mau. ini alasan sy:

  •  sbb sy cepat bosan. bila sy cepat bosan sy akan suke nak telek muke org or the surroundings around me. nak menyejukkan mate la katekan. tp if the presenter muke cam nak tak nak je, ngan pucat lesi, pastu presentation hampeh mmg ke laut la gamaknye. especially yg tetibe attire pn ke laut. ckp presenter tp pakai baju tak ber'tie' or pakai tudung bunga2 ngan baju kurung bunga2. paham konsep tak?
nak ke tengok muke cikgu anda mengajar subject verb agreement camni???
  • sebagai seorg profesional, wajib, pada sy WAJIB beri impression yg baik kepada si penonton or pendengar. contohnye, deejay radio. if asik putar lagu sedey medey je pn org akan jelak kan? so, same la ngan presenter, sbb if u asik tunjuk muke sembap, ngan eye bag bagai, tudung senget menget, baju wrinkled...what do u think the audience will feel? that's why, klu kite tgk tv kite akan slalu tgk presenter pakai baju shirt tucked in, pkai tie, pki tudung comel2 n yg paling penting pakai make up

ha...ni baru presentable. easy je...simple je.tp cantik.kan??

  • bukannye suruh make up yg melampau2. Cukup la sekadar pakai compact powder, blusher, mascara and lipstick. tak lama pn, cuba lah dulu. paling lama pun saya make up dalam 15 minutes. tu je...kalau terlebih pun sebab pakai eye liner. buat ape make up lame2 n then ubah terus muka kita kan? make up sekadar untk jadikan muka kita ni more presentable to students n colleagues. cukup la...
selalu saya dengar komen 
'kau bole la make up bagai, anak baru seorg. cube mcm aku ni bersilat nak siap2 kan anak2.'

pada saya, ni semua boleh di buat berbincang. macam saya, saya akan bgn seawal pkul 5.30 pagi. masak air, menyapu umah sket, kemas rak pinggan mangkuk n kadang2 sempat lagi nak melipat baju. jadi, apa la salahnye kite bgn awal pg sket, semata2 untuk client kite?

kadang2 mmg tak menang tangan nak siapkan semua tu and then nak siapkan anak lagi, nak tukar pampers, nak susukan die lagi...tp kat situ la peranan suami. takkan la nak mintak tolong bancuhkan air milo sebalang pn tak bole? takkan la nak mintak sapukan jem kat roti pn tak boleh kan?

kalau la semua isteri kene buat, sbb tu la kite akan bersilat nak siapkan anak. maybe sy baru ade anak sorg, so sy tak tau lagi kes bersilat di awal pagi ni. tp sy pernah alaminya mase mula2 nak anta amani g nursery aritu. tiap2 ari g keje lambat sbb salah timing. tp day by day, kite dah setup kite pny schedule...jd follow je la. 

my schedule:
  • insyaAllah setiap ari Sabtu akan start iron baju untuk seminggu, termasuk suami punye. maka akan spend time dlam sejam berdiri. time tu, suami la tolong jage anak.
  • saye akan siapkan beg sekolah amani pd malam sebelumnye. n then letak kat ruang tamu siap2.
  • bgn pagi dalm pkul 5 or 5.30 am. kemas ruang tamu yg mlm sebelumnye mmg takkan kemas sbb dah mengantuk. kemas rak pinggan mangkuk. masak air.
  • mandi at 6 am
  • solat. n them g pump susu while make up. dlam 15 minutes siap la, dapat la dalam 4 or 5 oz. bersyukur sbb ade la jugak susu utk amani.
  • hubby dah solat dah time ni. die pn akan bersiap.
  • sementara saye siapkan anak, sy mintak tolong hubby buat kan air milo n sapu jem kat roti.
  • by 6.45 or 6.50 siap la anak. klu die nak menyusu, sy akan susukan die.
sebenarnye, kite kene prepare je. itu key for scheduled timetable. kene follow klu tak mmg satu ape pun tak boleh buat.

itu je entry untuk ari ni. dah melalut dah sebenarnye tp takpe la.bg sesiape yg bace blog saye, do comment below on ur opinion regarding make up vs tak make up waktu g keje. hihi...tq!!

Sep 7, 2012

my breastfeeding journey

alhamdulillah...Allah has bestowed me with His Most Precious girft which is im able to breastfeed my daughter up until now. amani is 4 months right now...syukur Allah

breastfeeding can be easy and simple but at he same time it can be difficult and heartening also. here are some of my experience:

  • in the first week of my breastfeeding moment i found out that amani cannot do the proper latching. hence giving me a very hard time. my nipple was hurt and i cried every time i wanted to nurse her. but i gather up my courage. every time its her meal time, i would recite Bismillah and feed her. the pain was excruciating but i just forego it. after 10 minutes of nursing, the pain went away. seeing amani being well fed would be suffice for me. Alhamdulillah!
  • i bought my breastfeeding gadget after 2 weeks. due to that i was not able to do proper milk supply fr amani. i went for my Diploma Pendidikan in UIAM for 2 weeks and for that moment i was terrified whether the milk are enough or not for amani. unfortunately, yes, it is not enough for her. her chilled milk finished within one day at that was 24 oz. her frozen milk which was only 40++ oz finished within 3 days. hence, that started my journey of pumping milk at UIAM. the surau has been my second class and milk pumping has been my priority. i was fortunate because i was blessed with good colleagues  and understanding lecturer. as the for the milk. it was special. the milk were delivered to amani by bus. just imagine within 2 weeks of staying in UIAM, i have paid nearly rm400 just for the postage, buying ice boxes container, ice, gas for my car and i even skipped one of my class. but Alhamdulillah, i managed to fully breastfeed amani. this all is also thanks to my husband who is very understanding.thank you darling!

  • my breastfeeding gadget:
my lovely 'stickery' spectra dew breastpump

our deep freezer which stored our frozen ebm

im praying that Allah will bestowed me with many more of His blessings.Amin. and please pray for my breastfeeding journey to continue until amani is 2 years old. amin!

4 months 17 days

*pic during 1st syawal...19.08.2012*

At 4 months and 17 days these are the things that miss amani can do...*eceh..speaking konon!!*

before nursing / breastfeeding:
  • buat muke excited sbb ibu tadah sumber makanan
  • buat muke tak puas ati sbb sumber makanan masih beralas dgn pakaian
  • buat muke puas ati sbb akhirnye ibu dah ready nak bg makanan...hihi...
during nursing / breastfeeding
  • suke nak capai2 bju or tudung
  • suke nak cakar sumber makanan
  • sgt curious especially kalau tetibe ade org jalan or bercakap di belakang die...in this case, is her father
  • suke membebel sambil makan @ minum
  • akan laga2 gusi kat sumber utama makanan die..dah gatal gusi kot...huuuu tak dapat nak bygkan kalau dah ade gigi
  • tertido ngan jayanye...
at her playmat
  • amani dah boleh capai2 all the rattles and her favorite would be the rattles + gelang tu
  • gigit teether n buat muke blur
  • dah pandai ketawa..yea!! comel plak tu...
  • dah pandai meniarap!!
mase nak tido
  • melihat @ scanning kawasan...mate suke sgt tgk kipas angin berpusing
  • pusing kiri pusing kanan tp kepale je sbb sekarang ni masih tido berbedong...
  • tido amal lambat...ibu dah tido dlu bru sedar yg anaknye tak tido2 lagi...huhu...
all i can say is that amani's progress are quite impressive. her teachers at her  taska also told me that amani doesn't act like she is 4 months. for instance
  • she can baby talk with her teacher
  • when she woke up, she never cries
  • and she can wait for the milk to be ready
aww...im vey proud of u amani. ibu doakan amani akan jadi bayi yg sihat dan membesar bagai juara...yeay!!!