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Jan 23, 2008

me and my lamented days...

im not a kind of person that like to write in journals or even diaries, but then after 'acquiring' the knowledge of blogging, i felt that it is quite good for me as to practice my writing skills.chewah!!ingat klas CALL ke??? by the way, if im not lazy as i always do, i'll write some more k..in case i have sumthing popped out of my head. but then i only use the internet for assignment purposes..(tak bagus kan??hehe...)

heath ledger dah mati..gong yoo pg national service...nape la dunia penuh ngan kesengsaraan???pk2 kan la jwpn nye..hehe..

on this sunday, 27th jan i got a recognition day at damansara for my 'kumon' students. its actually just like 'hari terbuka' time kat skolah dlu...so, im thrilled!!takut plak nak jmpe ngan students' parents.berdebar2...wish me luck k!!

ok..mls dah..nak g buat research..daaa

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