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Apr 20, 2009

coelacanth...the fossil fish..

'a very beautiful fish'

I've just finished reading this book called 'A FISH CAUGHT IN TIME, THE SEARCH FOR THE COELACANTH' by Samantha Weinberg. At first I was quite skeptic regarding the title of the book and the same time I just don't know how to pronounce the name. But after reading it halfway, I was very astonished by the fact that the underwater world is indeed a very mysterious place. I used to have a paranoid feeling over this 'water' thing, thanks to this book, I've just discovered how wonderful it is to have any opportunities (I mean it...ANY) to explore the beauty of the ocean creatures.

About this beautiful and indeed 'a living fossil'... the name is pronounced as 'see-la-kanth' or 'silakan'...haha.Just to make it simple and interesting. It was 1st found by a young curator from the East London Museum named Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer in 1938. Thanks to her, this living fossils has been given its rightful position to be protected and given a bigger chance for a future being like me to appreciate it. Because of its position as a living fossil, it has been protected by the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

I'm in no position to compare myself to what all the scientists has done but I promise myself to equipped myself with all the knowledge regarding our wonderful world and its contents. Hehe...reading has never be such a compelling thing for me. Now I can say that I'm not in the statistic of Malaysian only read 2 books a year. haha

ok...that's all from me...i think i will try to find more books on this living fossil...my beautiful COELACANTH


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