my 'advance' birthday advance my boss baked it on 7th April....;p
(from left: eric, nora, me, siti, ain)
sharing is caring.....
(from left: kak lee kuan, eric, me, siti, ain)
'smart kids'o9'..went ther just to get the KUMON goody bag..haha
(ain and me...cute???)
(me and ain...again??)
(ain, munchy's gurl, siti and me)
if u guys realize la kan...there is always the same gurl rite next to me...she is SITI, my housemate. kre my junior la bcoz she graduated from IIC. The other housemate is Kak Nora but her fav is to be behind the scene...i love them all...and thanks to them, i'm not alone here in KL. TQ dearest friends...
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