hi..i just want to express my feelings towards the ignorant malaysian in which they've 'made' my day on the very last day in january.my advice to them..Q UP PLS!!!! im damned pissed off with those who cutting up other people's line just because they are lecturer or they think they much more older than me, than it's ok to cut my line...*tut* u!!! tak g sekolah kot....
this happened to me first at the cafe. im being a responssible person and abide by the 'rasa sayang' campaign, felt obliged to Q up and respect others who are infront of me. i had an eye for this one kuih bcoz its very sweet and i like sweet things. then, suddenly this one uncivilized, low mannered people come rite infront of me and withh her 'muke selambe' said to the girl at the counter 'bg akak kuih ni sume ye', and ironically, the kuih she requested is the one that i wanted the most!!huhu..i just dunno what to do n i was very much shocked by it. when her friend said that she actually cutting my line, she just say 'sorry' with her stupid face. siap ketawa lagi...no manners!! i dun want to spoil my day so i just bought another sweet kuih which i end up eating in my evening class.
another uncivilized people i want to tell off is dedicated to the lecturers who think that they're the lecturer and have bigger power than anyone else and 'selambely' cutting other people's line.with obvious remark!! i has been appointed to make reservation at the library auditorium or main audi for my MSL class. so i went to the lib yesterday (31/1/08) bcoz the librarian told me last 3weeks that if i want to make a reservation in 14/2/08 i have to submit the form by 1/2/08. and when i reached there, shockingly i found that the place has been reserved until the end of february. i was damn hungry at that time and i really dun have the energy to have an argument. so, i went to AMLIT class with an unfunished business. after class, i went to the library to ask them when actually those people reserved the place. fyi, its two weeks before february that is the second week of january. i really felt discriminated bcoz those who reserved early are the lecturers. the librarian defended themselves by saying. 'ala dik, diorang kan lecturer.' fullstop. how stupid!! i was very mad and at that point i dun care anymore. i just make a comment on the library's system rite infront of their face. im intended to make them realized that what they've done is superbly wrong. its not fair to differentiate me and those lecturers. yes, the system is 1st come 1st serve but they did not follow the rules! its a crime..social crime.
i really hope that malaysian can be more thoughtful regarding this Q UP matter. its very important though. i think the next time this kind of thing happened again, i'll make a reamark rite in their face so that they'll feel ashamed of themselves.
ok lah..got class to go. chow!!!
'save the animal, save the world!'
Jan 31, 2008
Jan 29, 2008
i just dunno what happened to me yesterday...i didnt study when i came back to my room eventhough our CALL class is cancelled.such a loser!!i came back around 6pm after giving the announcement of our replacement class (which is today) and after that i just went to watch gong yoo in 'hardtack teacher' and then went to sleep. i wonder what my dad would say about that...by the way, im just way too PISSED off with myself for being damn selfish. all i care is sleeping and watching CDs. i can do other things for example do my EAP homework or update my notes..sheesh!!stupid kan??
'barang yg lepas usah dikenang' so i want to lead my life as 'CLEVER' as i can. u never know what people haas been saying behind your back..so act like a civilized people!ahaks!!those who knows where this phrase come from can easily get the joke..:p.
rite now me and my CALL grupmates are working on our blog for CALL assignment. although it's a course that full of assignments and als headaches but i do enjoy the fact that we are able to idle with the PCs. im not an IT savvy kind of person. but i can make sure that i know how to handle all the shortcuts for microsoft offices which i really wanted to passs it down to adeQ but it seems fruitless...hahahaha!!! sorry aar adeQ ku!!
i think that's all la for todat..i dunno what to say anymore...
'save the animal, save the world!'
'barang yg lepas usah dikenang' so i want to lead my life as 'CLEVER' as i can. u never know what people haas been saying behind your back..so act like a civilized people!ahaks!!those who knows where this phrase come from can easily get the joke..:p.
rite now me and my CALL grupmates are working on our blog for CALL assignment. although it's a course that full of assignments and als headaches but i do enjoy the fact that we are able to idle with the PCs. im not an IT savvy kind of person. but i can make sure that i know how to handle all the shortcuts for microsoft offices which i really wanted to passs it down to adeQ but it seems fruitless...hahahaha!!! sorry aar adeQ ku!!
i think that's all la for todat..i dunno what to say anymore...
'save the animal, save the world!'
Jan 23, 2008
me and my lamented days...
im not a kind of person that like to write in journals or even diaries, but then after 'acquiring' the knowledge of blogging, i felt that it is quite good for me as to practice my writing skills.chewah!!ingat klas CALL ke??? by the way, if im not lazy as i always do, i'll write some more k..in case i have sumthing popped out of my head. but then i only use the internet for assignment purposes..(tak bagus kan??hehe...)
heath ledger dah mati..gong yoo pg national service...nape la dunia penuh ngan kesengsaraan???pk2 kan la jwpn nye..hehe..
on this sunday, 27th jan i got a recognition day at damansara for my 'kumon' students. its actually just like 'hari terbuka' time kat skolah dlu...so, im thrilled!!takut plak nak jmpe ngan students' parents.berdebar2...wish me luck k!!
ok..mls dah..nak g buat research..daaa
heath ledger dah mati..gong yoo pg national service...nape la dunia penuh ngan kesengsaraan???pk2 kan la jwpn nye..hehe..
on this sunday, 27th jan i got a recognition day at damansara for my 'kumon' students. its actually just like 'hari terbuka' time kat skolah dlu...so, im thrilled!!takut plak nak jmpe ngan students' parents.berdebar2...wish me luck k!!
ok..mls dah..nak g buat research..daaa
Jan 15, 2008
poem on owl...eh..on listening skill.hehe
Jan 8, 2008
my gong yoo........
i first met him in 2006 when i was just in my 2nd year in iium. it was the drama series 'hardtack teacher and starcandy' where he acted as a 17 yrs old boy together with gong hyo jin..they look cute together but it will look much more cuter with me beside him...hahaha!! in 2007 he starred in 'coffee prince' as a charming spoiled bachelor named 'han kyul' together with cute 'my chan', eun hye.the story was a blast to me..i love it...
go and get your own copy for those who know and wants to like him...don't be like baby_chan because she also like him but in denial...hahaha!!!!baby_chan is my roomate...
ok..babai...malas nak tulis lagi
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